Friday, December 16, 2011

Winding down

Can it be? The semester is winding down, the holidaze are here, I'm hearing I'm a pretty damn good teacher...ah, yes...success! It's been a long road, but my students are actually responding to my first-year teacheriness. I truly wish the focus of education could be on planning stellar lessons, but I'm on the "new teacher" hamster wheel. It's only temporary, right? Merry Christmas, everyone!

Monday, October 17, 2011

First one down

What a momentous occasion. My first blog post. Welcome to 2002, I know... :) So, why now? I happened to have typed "i hate my students" into the old search engine and this is what I found. Yes, it was kind of one of those days. Not altogether bad; just ominously indicative of my years to come as an English teacher. In a high school. I know. This is my first year. I know.

I had my first parent/teacher conference today. It didn't really have to do with me, but I was the one with the best documentation of this twit's outrageous behavior. What an eye-opener. Well, at least I won't have to deal with him after next week. He's being moved to a THIRD teacher's class. Good luck, buddy.

This is just going to be my rant space. It's Bitchville. If you're here, deal with it. I don't entirely mean that. There will be nuggets. Gems of inspired bloggery! I'm hopeful. :) Other than that...well, I make no promises. I named it Marmalade because my Mom loved that band. One song..."Reflections of My Life." It seemed fitting.